Download Matlab 2013 /2011/2014 (torrent)

للتحميل من ملف تورنت 

ماتلاب 2013 5.63 GB
Matlab R2013a

خطوات التنصيب steps install

1) run "setup.exe" (or "binwin32setup.exe" to install
32-bit Matlab under 64-bit Windows)
2) choose "install manually without using the internet"
3) set the "file installation key" to be
4) setup Matlab with required components
5) when asked to activate the product select “Activate manually without internet”
6) select "X:seriallicense.lic" when asked for license file
(where "X" is drive letter with this DVD-disk at your computer)

ماتلاب 2011 4.84 GB

طريقة التصطيب steps install

1. Click "DOWNLOAD TORRENT" at the top of this page.
2. Download "DAEMONTOOLS LITE" or "POWERISO" I use powerISO.
3. Mount the downloaded torrent onto a virtual driving using either PowerISO or Daemontools. 
4.Go to "my computer" and double click on the CD Drive called MATHWORKS_R2011A.
This should start the installer. Before you do anything with the installer go to step 5.
5. Go to "my computer" and right click on the CD Drive, click open > Crack > Install and follow the instructions there to install it.
Just copy and paste the serial key when prompted for a key. (I used the top one, but either is fine). 
After it finishes installing it will prompt you to locate the license file.
Just browse and go into the CD Drive (when you browse you will already be in there) then go into crack and select "lic_standalone.dat" (if you used the other key then use "lic_server.dat").
Then you should be able to click finish. 
6. Now it's installed go to C: > program files > MATLAB > R011a > bin > right click on matlab (the one with the orange and blue symbol and that's an application) and click send to > Desktop (create shortcut).
7. You can now open MATLAB directly from your desktop. Hope this helps! 


ماتلاب 2014 7.2 GB
MathWorks Matlab 2014a


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